Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vegetable Garden!

Before I post what our garden looks like, let's start with a "before" picture:

Pretty crazy!  Here's what it looked like after we finished planting this afternoon:

Yay!  All of our plants are safely planted, and it looks a whole lot less crazy in the back corner of the backyard.  I just hope we can grow some produce, I'd be happy with just one pumpkin!

Our plants were really ready to be put in the ground! 

I'm happy to say that the avocado tree is still looking really healthy!  I wonder how long it takes these tree to produce avocados?  I think I've heard people say it takes about 5 years.

I am SO glad that this project is over, I'm excited to post pictures in the future of our thriving garden :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Oh No!

I planted some basil seeds about six weeks ago and they were all set to plant in the ground.  I went to check on them this afternoon and there was only a big caterpillar in the pot.  Sadly, it was a very hungry caterpillar- he ate ALL of my basil plants!  Is it too late in the season to plant new basil or do I need to stop by the Home Depot to buy a basil plant?

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Sadly, the caterpillar that ate my basil wasn't as cute as this one!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

For A Change of Pace...Sort Of :)

Instead of working on the backyard this weekend, we worked on the front yard :)  More specifically, one corner of the front yard that was driving us both nuts because of all the crazy plants!  I wish I had taken a "before" picture, but here are a few pictures to give you an idea of what we pulled out of the yard:

The roots of these plants looked like something out of "Pan's Labyrinth"!

Is anyone surprised that we found MORE rocks in our yard?  The people who lived here before us really loved to use rocks and bricks in the yard.

I love the old chip bags stuck in this old plant!

Michael did an amazing job clearing out all the craziness, leaving us with a blank canvas in the front yard:

We decided to leave the tree because it doesn't take a lot of water and it will look nice after a trim!  We left the rock because I could not move it :)

Home Depot was having a great sale on plants!  I like to buy plants when they are small, because it's cheaper and most plants grow pretty quickly.  Here's what we planned on planting:

A close up of the plants!
We picked mostly drought-tolerant plants, and plants that we thought would look a little more modern than what was out there before!

To me, planting is the fun part!  I'm not a fan of digging up old plants, so I was really happy to be planting! Here's what it looked like after we finished:

It might not look amazing now, but once the plants start growing it's going to look so much better!  Such an improvement over what it looked like before!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

SO Close to Being Done!

The back corner is almost ready for our vegetable garden, we're hoping to get it done this weekend!  Here's what it's looking like, check out our amazing avocado tree:

And our giant pile of mulch to put around the garden boxes:

I hope we can get this done this weekend, because our plants are ready to be in the ground:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Puppy Post!

With all of this yardwork, there has been one thing that has helped to keep my sanity and keep the dogs out of our hair- Buddy Bones, the greatest dog toy ever invented!  A round rawhide disk screws into a plastic bone and it keeps them busy for hours!  And since I'm a proud mom, here are a few insanely cute pics of the pups enjoying their toys!